This seminar is strictly by invitation, as we have to keep the number of attendees low enough to realistically perform group interactive discussion. The current list of confirmed invited distinguished scientists is:
Prof. Dr. Arturo Azcorra, University Carlos III of Madrid and IMDEA Networks (Spain)
- Prof. Dr. Marco Ajmone Marsan, Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and IMDEA Networks (Spain)
- Dip. Ing. Gonzalo Camarillo, Nomadic Laboratory, Ericsson Finland (Finland)
- Prof. Dr. Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
- Dr. Enrique Díaz, Telefonica I+D (Spain)
- BSc. Chip Elliott, BBN Technologies (USA)
- Prof. Dr. Nicolas Georganas, University of Ottawa (Canada), University Carlos III of Madrid and IMDEA Networks (Spain)
- Prof. Dr. Sergey Gorinsky, Washington University in St. Louis (USA)
- Dr. Matthieu Legré, id Quantique (Switzerland)
- Prof. Dr. Nick Maxemchuk, Columbia University in the City of New York (USA) and IMDEA Networks (Spain)
- Prof. Dr. Michele Mosca, Institute for Quantum Computing (Canada)
- Dr. Huw Oliver, University of Bristol (UK)
- Dr. Emina Soljanin, Bell Labs (USA)
- Prof. Dr. Ioannis Stavrakakis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens(NKUA) (Greece)
- Prof. Dr. Ralf Steinmetz, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Paolo Villoresi, University of Padua (Italy)
- Dr. Werner Steinhoegl, European Commission