Invited speakers
Federico Boccardi
Principal Engineer, Vodafone (UK)
Federico Boccardi is a Principal Engineer in Vodafone. He received the M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Padova, Italy, in 2002 and 2007 respectively, and the Postgraduate Diploma in Strategy and Innovation from the Oxford SaÔd Business School in 2014. He held visiting research positions at the Eurecom Institute (Sophia-Antipolis, France), in 2004, and at Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies (US), in 2005. Before joining Vodafone, Federico Boccardi was with Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent UK from 2006 to 2010 and with Bell Labs Germany from 2010 to 2013. In Bell Labs he carried out research and led research projects on MIMO, MMW communications, novel RAN architectures, CoMP, small cells and RAN virtualization. In 2010 and 2011 he participated in the 3GPP standardisation activities for LTE-Advanced, where he led the Alcatel-Lucent downlink MIMO activity and was the rapporteur for the LTE-Advanced Study Item "Downlink MIMO Enhancement for LTE-Advanced". He participated in different EU collaborative projects and during 2012 and 2013 he was work-package leader in METIS 2020. He holds more than 100 between issued or pending patents and peer-reviewed international research papers. His current interests fall in the intersection between technology innovation and strategy. In Vodafone, he is currently working on the definition of future 5G systems, with focus on requirements, technology components, architecture and ecosystem.
Cayetano Carbajo Martín
Technology Director, Telefónica (Madrid, Spain)
Telecommuncation Engineer by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He joined Telefónica Móviles Spain as radio engineer. After working in radio engineering department, Cayetano is appointed manager for international projects for Telefónica Móviles. In 2000 he moved to Morocco where he was responsible of the network deployment of Medi Telecom. In June 2001 he becomes radio access director in Telefónica Móviles Corporate. In January 2003 he joined Telefónica Móviles México as CTO. In this exciting challenge, remains till May 2006 when he joined Telefónica SA as Technology Director, position in which he works currently.
Edward Knightly
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University (Houston, Texas, USA)
Edward Knightly is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University in Houston, Texas. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. from the University of California at Berkeley and his B.S. from Auburn University. He is an IEEE Fellow, a Sloan Fellow, and a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award. He received the best paper award from ACM MobiCom 2008 and serves on the IMDEA Networks Scientific Council.
Professor Knightly's research interests are in the areas of mobile and wireless networks with a focus on protocol design, performance evaluation, and at-scale field trials. He leads the Rice Networks Group. The group's current projects include deployment, operation, and management of a large-scale urban wireless network in a Houston under-resourced community. This network, Technology For All (TFA) Wireless, is serving over 4,000 users in several square kilometers and employs custom-built programmable and observable access points. The network is the first to provide residential access in frequencies spanning from unused UHF DTV bands to WiFi bands. His group developed the first multi-user beam-forming WLAN system that demonstrates a key performance feature to be provided by IEEE 802.11ac. His group also co-developed a clean-slate-design hardware platform for high-performance wireless networks, TAPs and WARP.
Petri Mähönen
Head of the Institute for Networked Systems (iNETS) & Professor of Networked Systems at RWTH Aachen University (Aachen, Germany)
Petri Mähönen is professor of networked systems at the RWTH Aachen University. He is a chair and founding director of Institute for Networked Systems at the RWTH Aachen University. He is also a member of steering board, research area coordinator, and PI of the UMIC Research Centre in Aachen, one of the research clusters funded by German Federal and State Government excellence initiative. His research interests and background include work on wireless Internet, software defined radios, embedded networking and IoT protocols, cognitive radio networking, spectral efficiency, spatial statistics, and large-scale mm-wave systems. In 2006 he was awarded Telenor research prize. Dr. Mähönen is currently serving as a member of scientific advisory board for wireless&kth in Stockholm, and is an associated editor for IEEE TMC and a member of the inaugural steering board for forthcoming IEEE TCCN publication.
Michal Parker
Technical Director at Lexden Technologies Ltd. Senior Research Officer at the University of Essex
Dr Michael Parker received his BA (first-class) degree in electrical and information sciences from Cambridge University, UK in 1992, and his PhD in optical communications also from Cambridge in 1996. In 1997, he joined Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe, Ltd., Colchester, UK, and from 2000-2003 he was also with the Photonics Networking Laboratory, Fujitsu Network Communications, Richardson, Texas, USA. From 2003 to 2007, he was with Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe, Ltd. He was appointed Visiting Professor at the University of Essex, UK in 2004. Since 2008 he has been associated with both Lexden Technologies Ltd. and the University of Essex. Dr. Parker has extensive experience in WDM optical core/metro/access networking, and both photonics and wireless technologies. He has filed over 20 patents, and has authored more than 150 papers in international journals and conferences. He has been involved with numerous European research projects, including the e-photon/ONe and BONE European FP7 Networks of Excellence, as well as the OASE, STRONGEST, FIVER, and the current SODALES and IDEALIST research projects.
Bozidar Radunovic
Researcher, Networks, Economics and Algorithms & Systems and Networking groups, Microsoft Research (Cambridge, UK)
Bozidar Radunovic is a Researcher in the Networks, Economics and Algorithms and Systems and Networking groups at Microsoft Research, Cambridge. His research interests are in design and evaluation of computer systems and algorithms with particular interest in wireless communication and algorithms for processing big data.
Bozidar received his PhD in technical sciences from EPFL, Switzerland, in 2005, and his BSc at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia, in 1999. In 2006 he spent one year as a post-doc researcher at TREC, at ENS Paris and then joined Microsoft Research. In 2008 he was awarded IEEE William R. Bennett Prize Paper Award in the Field of Communications Systems.