COST Action Meeting
On May 8th, the COST Action IC0804 on Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems ( is organizing an open meeting before the e-Energy conference.
The participation to this meeting is free of charge, and open to the community.
The program will be delivered soon. Normally, the Working Groups and the Focus Groups of the Action (see details on are meeting and they discuss various points with support of dedicated agenda.
If you want to participate to this meeting, please contact the Chair of the Action (Jean-Marc Pierson, pierson at or the WG and FG Chairs so as to organize the logistics. If you want to have more information please contact the Chair of the Action.
Technical Program
Tuesday, May 8th (Venue)
Presentation of the WG1 Brochure on “Hardware Leverages for Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems”, Georges Da Costa, Davide Careglio, WG1 Chairs (5mn) Round Table on "What's the point of working on software when hardware improves so much!”
In this round table, the aim is two-fold, to discuss about the, sometimes, mismatching between software and hardware improvements, and to analyze solutions where software improves hardware.
- Babak Falsafi, EPFL, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Wolfgang Christmann, christmann informationstechnik + medien GmbH & Co. KG
- Gabriele Cocco, University of Pisa: Energy consumption of heterogenous parallel algorithms

Introduction by Alberto E. Garcia, Karin A. Hummel, WG2 Chairs
Round Table on "Monitoring of energy consumption - are our tools sufficient?"
The round table discussion will focus on the quality and limits of existing monitoring approaches and tools, at proposing requirements for monitoring tools, and at identifying open research questions.
- Cécile Germain-Renaud, U. Paris Sud, France : "The Green Computing Observatory" - On monitoring from a perspective of data organization and description
- Torsten Braun, University of Bern, Switzerland: On HW and SW approaches to monitor WMNs and WSNs
- Davide Morelli, University of Pisa, Italy: Energon: a framework for measurement and analysis of energy consumption of software

- Laurent Lefèvre, INRIA France
- Andrea Passarella, Univ. of Pisa

- Paul Kuehn, University of Stuttgart, “Energy-Efficiency of User and Network Nodes”
- Franco Davoli, University of Genoa, "Connection-wise energy efficiency: measuring power consumption of TCP and of nodes along the path"
- Pedro Reviriego Vasallo, University Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid, " Energy efficiency dependency on traffic load is here to stay. What are the implications for metrics and measurements?"
- Markus Fiedler, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, “Hurry up -- quick end-to-end delivery saves energy”
Wednesday, May 9th
May 10th and May 11th
e-Energy 2012 Conference
Round Table organized during the energy conference (TBA)